對岸公佈6月份青年失業率 21.3%,很多評論說失業率應不只如此;北大某教授說回頭分析 3 月份失業率,上看 46.5%,遠高於官方當時公佈的 19.7%。視頻網站上不少人提到「一週工作一小時就算就業」太可笑!我不知對岸官方統計是否失真,有無隱瞞低報;我也認同所謂「實際」失業率上看 46.5% 的看法。但很不幸的,一週工作一小時就算就業,以及許多無業者不算勞動力的統計標準,台灣也是如此,可能國際上都是如此。
台灣的勞動力統計,年滿 15 歲以上民間人口分勞動力與非勞動力,勞動力則分就業者與失業者。失業率是失業者佔勞動力的比例;勞動力佔 15 歲以上民間人口比例則稱勞動參與率,這兩比例可以按性別、年齡組別來計算。所謂民間人口,是指
在資料標準週內年滿 15 歲可以工作之民間人口,包括就業者及失業者。
在資料標準週內,年滿 15 歲不屬於勞動力之民間人口,包括因就學、料理家務、高齡、身心障礙、想工作而未找工作及其他原因等而未工作亦未找工作者。
在資料標準週內,年滿 15 歲從事有酬工作者,或從事 15 小時以上之無酬家屬工作者。
所謂「有酬的工作」除了受雇者之外,也包括雇主及自營作業主。注意的是有酬的工作「不管工作時數多少」, 因此雖未明言工作一小時以上就算,但實際如此,甚至只要是有報酬,即使只是去簽個到,依上述定義也算,反而比明白規定「工作一小時以上」更寬鬆。至於失業,指
在資料標準週內年滿 15 歲同時具有下列條件者:
台灣的上述各項定義不可能是自己閉門造車亂定義的,必然是根據國際上的習慣,或許是聯合國的規範?想來對岸之統計標準亦是如此。所以,統計數字之是否失真,就失業率這項統計來說,不是統計標準的問題。但實際統計作業是否嚴謹,統計報告是否如實,這卻是難說的。台灣的勞動力統計,主要是行政院主計總處辦理的「人力資源調查(勞動力調查)」,每月以包含當月 15 日之一週(週日起,至週六止)為統計標準週,派員家訪樣本戶,調查樣本戶滿 15 歲人口在統計標準週之勞動參與情形。此外有每月的「受雇員工薪資工時調查」,每年的「人力運用調查」,每季的「事業人力僱用狀況調查」,每季的「原住民族就業狀況調查」,每季的「人力需求調查」,及其他多項相關調查。這些調查,有的是行政院主計總處辦的,有的不是,但也都要受其監督。
- Employment
Persons in civilian employment include all those employed above a specified age who during a specified brief period, either one week or one day, were in the following categories: i) paid employment; ii) employers and self-employed; iii) unpaid family workers; unpaid family workers at work should be considered as being self-employed irrespective of the number of hours worked during the reference period. For operational purposes, the notion of some work may be interpreted as work for at least one hour. Total employment is defined as the sum of civilian employment and members of the armed forces.
- Unemployment
The unemployed comprise all persons above a specified age, who during the reference period were: i) without work, i.e. were not in paid employment or self-employment during the reference period; ii) currently available for work, i.e. were available for paid employment or self-employment during the reference period; iii) seeking work, i.e. had taken specific steps in a specified recent period to seek paid employment or self-employment.
- Labour Force
The Civilian Labour Force, or currently active population, comprises all persons who fulfill the requirements for inclusion among the civilian employed or the unemployed. Total Labour Force is equal to Civilian Labour Force plus the members of the armed forces.
Employed persons include 2 groups:
people aged 15-89 who worked during the reference week, even for just one hour, for pay, profit or family gain;
people who did not work, but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent during the reference week, if the reason of the absence is one of the following:
illness, holiday, maternity or paternity leave, industrial dispute, education and training, other reasons but keeping a strong attachment to the job.
Unemployed persons are those aged 15-74 who
were not employed during the reference week; were available for work, and were either actively seeking work in the 4 weeks before the reference week or had already found a job to start within the next 3 months.
The labour force comprises employed and unemployed persons.
People outside the labour force are those classified neither as employed nor as unemployed.
對於歸類到「就業者」的,只到 89 歲,當然 90 歲還「就業」的在台灣也應該很少吧?而 75 歲以上即使是想工作也去找工作,仍不算失業。關於無酬家屬工作者,也就是為家庭收益而工作本身卻沒薪資,並未設定最少工作時數。對於失業者中的想工作而「去找工作」,歐盟統計局明確規範在統計標準週之前四週有去找工作。已「有工作」但開始工作時間是在三個月之後的,也算失業;此種情形台灣前述定義並未明訂時間,似乎在統計標準週尚未上班的就算失業。
Employed persons consist of: persons who did any work for pay or profit during the survey reference week; persons who did at least 15 hours of unpaid work in a family-operated enterprise; and persons who were temporarily absent from their regular jobs because of illness, vacation, bad weather, industrial dispute, or various personal reasons.
People are considered employed if they did any work at all for pay or profit during the survey reference week. This includes all part-time and temporary work, as well as regular full-time, year-round employment.
Full time is 35 hours or more per week; part time is 1 to 34 hours per week.
Persons are classified as unemployed if they do not have a job, have actively looked for work in the prior 4 weeks, and are currently available for work.
Persons who were not working and were waiting to be recalled to a job from which they had been temporarily laid off are also included as unemployed. Receiving benefits from the Unemployment Insurance (UI) program has no bearing on whether a person is classified as unemployed.
The labor force is the sum of employed and unemployed persons.
Persons who are neither employed nor unemployed are not in the labor force.
就業者包括全時(全職)和半時(兼職)有酬工作者,半時指在統計標準週工作一小時以上;無價家屬工作者 15 小時以上都是就業者。失業指無工作,可工作,且標準週前 4 週內有在找工作者;季節性失業或暫時性失業正等待回工的也算在失業中。領失夜保險金與是否在此統計歸為失業者不相干。勞動力就是就業者加失業者;非勞動力就是不屬勞動力的(15 歲以上)人口。除了對「在找工作」明訂時間範圍外,美國的定義與台灣可說完全一致。
- Employed – includes people who are in a paid job for one hour or more in a week.
- Unemployed – includes people who are not in a paid job, but who are actively looking for work.
- Not in the labour force – includes people not in a paid job, and who are not looking for work. This can include people who are studying, caring for children or family members on a voluntary basis, retired, or who are permanently unable to work.
就業是在一週內有酬工作一小時以上;失業是當時沒工作,想工作,又有去找工作的人;非勞動力是沒有(有酬的)工作但也沒去找工作的人,包括學習中,在家帶小孩,家中無酬工作,退休及失能無法工作。與台灣最大的不同在無酬家屬工作者,澳洲並未將「工作 15 小時以上」的人列入就業,但澳洲有這樣的人嗎?無酬家屬工作者是像台灣在自家工廠、商店工作或在田園勞作,卻沒有薪水。在台灣這樣的人,至少在過去年代,應該有不少;而在西方國家和澳洲、紐西蘭,這種情形可能很少甚或不存在?
労働力人口 : 15歳以上の人口のうち,「就業者」と「完全失業者」を合わせたもの
就業者 : 「従業者」と「休業者」を合わせたもの
従業者 : 調査週間中に賃金,給料,諸手当,内職収入などの収入を伴う仕事(以下「仕事」という。)を1時間以上した者。
休業者 : 仕事を持ちながら,調査週間中に少しも仕事をしなかった者のうち,
完全失業者 : 次の3つの条件を満たす者
非労働力人口 : 15歳以上の人口のうち,「就業者」と「完全失業者」以外の者。
無酬家屬工作者並未限制工作 15 小時以上才算就業,這點與澳洲同,而與台歐美不同。另外,在其 Q&A 中有解釋為何調查(標準)週工作一小時就算就業,是為了符合國際勞工組織 (ILO) 的定義:
A person in employment as defined by the International Labour Office (ILO) is a person aged 15 or over who has done at least one hour's paid work in a given week, or who is absent from work for certain reasons (annual leave, sickness, maternity, etc.) and for a certain period of time.
All forms of employment are covered (employees, self-employed, family helpers), whether the employment is declared or not.
People who declare that they have a job from which they are absent are classified as being in employment if they are absent on paid leave, sickness, maternity/paternity leave, parental leave of 3 months or less, or with a compensatory income linked to the activity, such as Prepare, reorganisation of working hours, training authorised by the employer, off-season period as part of a seasonal activity in the case of regular work as part of this seasonal activity, short-time working (or technical or bad weather), other reason for absence lasting 3 months or less.